fredag den 12. december 2008

Blog consistency

I sometimes feel the need to argue why I'm doing things a certain way. Honestly, it's not for posterity, or to make anything clear to anybody else; it's mainly for me.

When I write things down, the syntax and semantics of what I write help me express something I feel. On occassion, those feelings are misguided. That's a pretty way of saying that I'm sometimes wrong, in spite of presenting a thorough argument.

I know this, because it's happened in the past, and I'm not going about things terribly different these days, so it'll happen again.

I'm not always going to go back and say what part of an argument was right or wrong; in the end, I write this for myself, and if I feel making a wrong argument ended up making me smarter, and expressing how that happened doesn't appeal to me, chance is I won't do it.

Sometimes, that will mean my blog becomes inconsistent between blog entries, and on occassion, even within individual entries. This is a choice. I'd rather make entries distanced by clean breaks, even if that means the entries don't fit together, if that in turn means the entries themselves grow to be of better consistency internally. And I'd rather spend my time writing about new ideas I think might be right, than old ideas of my own I think might be wrong.

But, _for_ posterity, I will be making sure that the results I derive will be easy to seek out, handle, and utilize. So the good stuff, I will be certain to reexamine later. The blog is a part of the process towards arriving at those things, so those are what matter.

With that in mind, I hope to soon make a blog entry tying together the game concurrency pattern and the save game pattern.

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