lørdag den 28. august 2010

Are both of these women the same?

This is slightly ridiculous to put on this blog, just as my character design was, but since I'm currently just using it as a place to dump images that have some type of meaning to me

Left picture is Morrigan for biowares upcomming dlc for dragon age. Right picture is some woman from the trailer for dragon age 2. Now, initially, I was convinced the woman on the right wasn't morrigan, untill I saw the piece of pre-rendered art on the left. Now I'm no longer sure - add 15 years to the woman on the right, and I could see her turning into the one on the left.

Why does this matter? It doesn't, really....it's just a part of me speculating what the latest dlc, and what dragon age 2, will have as their focal point....I can't shake the feeling that dragon age: origins is really the origin story of the so-called "god-baby" that this morrigan person and the protagonist can have together.